Php Serial Port Communication Linux Tutorial
I am a little bit confused about reading and writing to a serial port. I have a USB device in Linux that uses the FTDI USB serial device converter driver. When I plug it in, it creates: /dev/ttyUSB1.
Linux system generally call serial ports /dev/ttySxxx instead. To summarize, when programming for the serial interface of a Unix system it is highly advisable to provide complete configuration for the device name. May 04, 2015 In this tutorial we will see how to use the serial port on Raspberry Pi.We will use the serial port available on Raspberry with a RS232/TTL 3-5,5V adapter and a USB-serial adapter.By default the Raspberry Pi’s serial port is configured to be used for console input/output.
I thought itd be simple to open and read/write from it in C. I know the baud rate and parity information, but it seems like there is no standard for this?
Am I missing something, or can someone point me in the right direction?
gnychis2 Answers
I wrote this a long time ago (from years 1985-1992, with just a few tweaks since then), and just copy and paste the bits needed into each project.
The values for speed are B115200
, B230400
, B9600
, B19200
, B38400
, B57600
, B1200
, B2400
, B4800
, etc. The values for parity are 0
(meaning no parity), PARENB PARODD
(enable parity and use odd), PARENB
(enable parity and use even), PARENB PARODD CMSPAR
(mark parity), and PARENB CMSPAR
(space parity).
'Blocking' sets whether a read()
on the port waits for the specified number of characters to arrive. Setting no blocking means that a read()
returns however many characters are available without waiting for more, up to the buffer limit.
is needed only for choosing mark and space parity, which is uncommon. For most applications, it can be omitted. My header file /usr/include/bits/termios.h
enables definition of CMSPAR
only if the preprocessor symbol __USE_MISC
is defined. That definition occurs (in features.h
) with
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Linux Serial Port Program
For demo code that conforms to POSIX standard as described in Setting Terminal Modes Properlyand Serial Programming Guide for POSIX Operating Systems, the following is offered.
It's essentially derived from the other answer, but inaccurate and misleading comments have been corrected.
To make the program treat the received data as ASCII codes, compile the program with the symbol DISPLAY_STRING, e.g.
If the received data is ASCII text (rather than binary data) and you want to read it as lines terminated by the newline character, then see this answer for a sample program.
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In this tutorial we will see how to use the serial port on Raspberry Pi. We will use the serial port available on Raspberry with a RS232/TTL 3-5,5V adapter and a USB-serial adapter. By default the Raspberry Pi’s serial port is configured to be used for console input/output. This can help to fix problems during boot, or to log in to the Pi if the video and network are not available.
To be able to use the serial port to connect and talk to other devices (e.g. a modem a printer. ), the serial port console login needs to be disabled.
Here we use Raspberry Pi 2, and we connect a RS232/TTL 3-5,5V adapter to pins 4 (5V), 6 (GND) ,8 (TX),10 (RX) of Raspberry, obviously connect tx with rx and vice versa.
To search for available serial ports we use the command
The output is something like this
Last line indicates that the console is enabled on the serial port ttyAMA0, so we disable it
Run the configuration command and follow the instructions below
Reboot and try with
output now is
Now we can use the serial ttyAMA0. We connect an adapter usb / serial, then we will try to establish a communication between the two serial ports; obviously in a practical application to every serial we could connect a device, for example a modem, a printer a RFID reader etc.
After connecting the second serial port we launch the command to find the name that Raspberry gives him
The output is something like this
Ok, now we create two files, one who writes something on the ttyAMA0 port and the other that reads on the ttyUSB0 port.
If we run both files, will read what writes
This is just a small example but it can serve as a starting point to send a print to an old printer or read data from a router or a gps.
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