Multiple File Upload In Cakephp
I am trying to create a multiple file upload using cakephp. However, I bumped into a problem wherein I could not enable the 'multiple' functionality of the built in upload function of cake.
Multiple File Upload In Cake Php
File upload with CakePHP. Published on April 15, 2006 and tagged with cakephp programming. * File upload is a huge security risk so you must check what type of files are being uploade. Create a file upload script (upload-file.php) This will upload the file to the specified path. THIS WORKS WITH CAKE 2.x. There are many plugins available on the internet for attaching files. This custom made script will give you idea on how to attach multiple files.
Here's what I got: Nada dering hp beyond jadul futsal untuk.
CharmieCharmie2 Answers
My mistake lies in this line of code:
Multiple File Upload In Cakephp 2.0
Upon research, I was able to get the right one and modified my code into this:
got it working :)